How to Get Rid of Midriff Fat

Fat around the midriff is a cause for concern. Abdominal fat is linked to a variety of diseases that include heart disease, diabetes, stroke and some cancers such as colorectal cancer. According to the Mayo Clinic, a waist measuring more than 35 inches in women and more than 40 inches in men will result in health complications. The cause for most midriff fat is visceral fat. This form of fat lies deep within your abdomen. However, you can beat midriff fat with a little discipline.


    • 1
      Start working out.

      Exercise on a daily basis. The Harvard Medical School recommends a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate activity. Swimming, cycling and jogging are excellent forms of moderate activity.

    • 2
      Strength train because muscle helps burn fat.

      Incorporate strength training into your exercise routine. Developing lean muscles will control your weight, as well as eliminate tummy fat. Try working out with weights twice a week.

    • 3
      Work your abs.

      Target your abdominal muscles. Exercises that include crunches and sit-ups will help tighten your muscles as you begin to lose the fat.

    • 4
      Eating healthier will help you get rid of midriff fat.

      Change your diet to fight the bulge. Reduce the amount you eat and incorporate healthier foods. Cut out simple carbohydrates such as white bread, sugar, soft drinks and candy. Simple carbohydrates contribute to abdominal fat storage.

    • 5
      Limit alcoholic beverages.

      Eliminate empty calories from your diet. Consumption of too much alcohol results in excess belly fat, according to the Mayo Clinic.

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