How to Lose 15 Lb. Weight in 10 Days
Consume diuretics to remove excess fluid. Diuretics help stop bloating and aid in releasing water weight which can add to your weight. Natural diuretics include green tea, cranberry juice and fennel.
Eat carrots with every meal. They have a lot of fiber and so few calories that some people say that digesting the carrots uses up all the calories they contain.
Walk or cycle to work. Avoid sitting in traffic and burn some calories on your way to work or school. You can burn a minimum of 300 calories per day riding your bike to work and back at 30 minutes each way.
Decrease your salt consumption to nothing or nearly nothing. Salt causes water retention which packs on the pounds. Buy low-sodium products and avoid processed foods that come packed with salt.
Burn more calories than you consume. To lose one pound you must burn 3500 calories. You can bring fewer calories into your body by eating less, or you can burn calories through aerobics, sports and household chores.