How to Burn 100 Calories Fast
Perform 15 minutes of solid exercise. For example, run a mile around your neighborhood or on a treadmill. Other quick exercises, such as 150 stomach crunches, 100 push-ups or 10 minutes of jump rope will also do the trick.
Clean your home. Keeping trim and tidying up your home can easily go hand in hand. In the time that it would take you to get dressed and drive to the gym, you could have freshened up your living space and burned some calories. For example, in 30 minutes of sweeping the floors of your house, you can easily burn 100 calories.
Perform landscaping chores such as raking leaves for 20 minutes, mowing the lawn for 15 minutes or cleaning the gutter for 16 minutes. Again, these are great ways to burn calories while getting other necessary tasks done.
Cook dinner for your or some friends. Once it's made, serve it up. After everyone's fed, take care of the clean up on your own. In the time it took you to cook, serve and clean, you will have burned 100 calories. Keep the dinner light to not undo the progress.
Drink ice water throughout the day. Sipping ice water will not only keep you hydrated and cleanse your system; it can even help you burn calories. Ice cold water can help spike your metabolism and help you to burn those extra calories even quicker.