How To Lose Weight in a Month for Free
Avoid crash dieting and take on an easy to manage diet that you can maintain over a longer period of time. Replace fattening, sugary foods with healthy alternatives. Eat four to six small meals per day to maintain metabolic activity. Include lean protein, brown carbohydrates and healthy fats in each meal. Eat carbohydrates early in the day and don't eat anything three hours before bedtime because foods eaten before bedtime will be stored as fat.
Watch the rate at which you lose weight. Don't lose more than 2 pounds per week; according to the Medline Plus website, weekly weight loss over 2 pounds will cause your body to think you are starving it, which means it will hold onto fat.
Work out three days per week to increase your metabolism and burn calories. Perform 45 minutes of cardiovascular exercise per day. Avoid boredom by switching up the cardio you do. Keep cardio inexpensive by running, walking or riding a bicycle outdoors. Train on an elliptical machine or stair climber if you own one or work out along with an exercise DVD.
Strength train to tone and build muscle tissue which accelerates your metabolism. Use dumbbells or make your own weights by using water bottles or bottles filled with sand. Work the entire body for all-over fat burn on three non-consecutive days of the week.
Stay hydrated by drinking water all throughout the day. Avoid beverages with caffeine, alcohol, sugar and many calories since they can sabotage your weight loss. According to the Clemson University website, you need to drink eight to twelve glasses of water daily. Water carries oxygen and nutrients to cells, promotes digestive health, strengthens muscles, regulates your body temperature and makes you feel full so you eat less.
Schedule seven to nine hours of sleep every day because this is when your body restores itself and energizes you for the next day. Lack of sleep can make you overeat and feel fatigued during the day.