How to Lose Weight the Ayurvedic Way
With the start of the New Year many people have resolved to lose weight. One of the hottest weight loss trends right now is an ancient Indian healing science known as the Ayurveda way. When translated from the Sanskrit language Ayurveda means the "science of life." Given this definition it is safe to say that the Ayurveda isn't really a diet but more of a life style that will lead to weight loss.The simplest way to get started with the Ayurveda way is to focus on the three main components of the system: diet, exercise, and meditation. The program uses these to balance out all of the body's systems which will in turn lead to weight loss.
Change the portion sizes of your traditional meals. The normal Ayurvedic diet calls for changing the amount of food that you eat at certain times of the day. The basic plan is to ingest small meals for breakfast and dinner with your largest meal of the day coming during lunch time.
Exercise at least four times a week. The exercise portion of the Ayurveda way is critical. A basic plan would consist of yoga and stretching two or three times a week and along with a cardio workout at least three or four times a week. The Ayurvedic method believes that exercise can help to remove impurities from the body which will lead to a stronger and more effective metabolism.
Get more sleep and meditate at least twice per day. Meditation and proper rest are also very important in this system. The Ayurveda way recommends meditating twice a day and getting to bed before 10:00 p.m. and waking up just before 6:00 a.m.