How to Get Rid of Fat Deposits
Lose no more than 1 to 2 lbs. per week by cutting out 500 to 1,000 calories per day. According to the Medline Plus website, losing more weight is unhealthy and will trigger the body's survival instinct making it hold onto fat.
Avoid unhealthy, fattening foods that will only contribute to the problem. Make healthy choices. Fill up on fiber-rich, filling foods such as fruits and vegetables. Consume muscle-building lean protein. Avoid saturated fats because they raise cholesterol levels. Eat unsaturated fats instead. Substitute full-fat products with low-fat and non-fat products.
Forget about eating three large meals daily and split your meals up in six smaller portions. Eat one small meal every two to three hours to keep your metabolism burning calories and fat throughout the day and to avoid cravings.
Increase your physical activity. Go running, biking, swimming or walking for 45 minutes, three days a week. Bring your heart rate up and increase your metabolism to burn calories and fat.
Train with weights and target all parts of the body for all-over toning and fat burn. Increase muscle tissue because it stimulates your metabolism into overdrive where it keeps burning fat all day long. Take one whole day of rest after each weight training day so the muscles can recover properly. Train three days a week.
Perform targeted exercises to tone the areas where you are trying to reduce fat. If you are trying to reduce fat on your stomach, do crunches, sit-ups and side bends. Do lunges and squats if your thighs or buttocks are the problem areas. Tone the muscles underneath the fat so that once the fat is gone, the muscles that show will be tight and toned.
Drink at least 64 ounces of water per day to flush out toxins, stay hydrated and promote digestive health. Water also fills you us and keeps hunger at bay.
Make sleeping for seven to nine hours per night a priority. According to the National Sleep Foundation, lack of sleep leads to improper functioning of the body, increase of appetite, lack of energy and fatigue.
Aim to live a stress-free life because increased stress levels stimulate cortisol production. Cortisol is the stress hormone that according to the Marilyn Glenville website, is responsible for fat-gain especially around the middle.