How to Lose Hips Fast
Reduce your calorie intake. In order to lose 1 lb., an individual must burn 3,500 more calories than she is consuming. Utilize a weight loss calculator to determine how many calories you should be consuming in order to lose weight. Replacing any beverages that contain sugar with pure drinking water is an excellent start to reducing calorie intake and much better for your body. According to the American Heart Association, you should attempt to burn as many calories as you consume to avoid weight gain.
Do high impact or high-cardio exercises such as running or aerobics for maximum calorie burning. High-intensity cardio exercise is an important part of a workout routine and boosts metabolism, according to This aids the body in converting fat to energy which results in more lean muscle mass.
Target the hip and thigh areas. According to Fitness Magazine, an exercise plan that includes five days of cardio activity, and exercise that works to target the hip area three days a week is the most effective method for losing weight in the hips. For example, a standing side-kick exercise in which you stand with your feet hip-width apart and raise one leg to the side and slowly hold the leg, lifting it in pulses targets the hip area.