How Can an Obese Woman Lose Fat Fast?
Clean out the pantry. If you have tempting foods in the house, you will eat them -- which will stall progress and lead to disappointment, and which might cause you to quit your diet. Get rid of high-calorie food like chips, pastries and other snacks, and stock up on healthy food and snacks.
Have a protein-based breakfast. A breakfast that consists of 30 percent protein can help stimulate fat loss, and it keeps you feeling full for longer. Timothy Ferris, author of "The 4-Hour Body," recommends having a breakfast of egg whites, chicken or turkey with vegetables within one hour of waking. Failing that, a protein shake will suffice.
Eliminate white carbohydrates. Although a small amount of white carbohydrates such as bread, potatoes, flour, rice and white pasta can be part of a balanced diet, eliminating them can help you lose weight faster. The popular Atkins diet recommends that, for maximum weight loss, nearly all carbohydrates should come from vegetables. Similarly, author Tim Ferris advocates a plan called the "Slow Carb Diet," in which you eliminate most white carbohydrates and eat meals that consist of a protein source like chicken, turkey or fish; a green vegetable or a mix of vegetables; and a legume such as lentils, kidney beans, black beans, etc.. The protein stimulates fat loss, the green vegetables provide nutrients and volume, and the legumes help you feel full, thereby minimizing cravings. According to Ferris, a person with 60 or more pounds to lose should experience about a 5-pound weight loss per week over the first two to three weeks on the Slow Carb Diet. The Atkins web site claims its diet plan can induce up to a 15-pound weight loss in two weeks.
You can reintroduce carbs, especially whole grains, once you have achieved your desired weight loss.
Train with weights. A major reason women struggle with fat loss is a lack of muscle development. Muscle is key in stimulating fat loss, and while cardiovascular exercise burns calories and builds endurance, it is more time-consuming than free-weight training and is less conducive to fat loss. Start 30- to 40-minute sessions at least three times a week. As your strength gradually increases, increase the amount of weight and the number of repetitions.