How Can I Loose About Six Pounds in One Week?
Things You'll Need
- pH testing strips
Drink more water. This acts as a natural body flush and aids your body in shedding toxins and sodium buildup, helping you lose those six pounds. Plus, with a belly full of water, you will be less apt to snack and needlessly consume food.
Curb your carbohydrate intake. Carbohydrates act as your body's fuel and are first in line for your body to burn. When fewer carbs are consumed, your body will be more likely to turn to the fat deposited throughout your body to burn as fuel. Foods high in carbs include most breads or processed grains, foods high in sugar and most processed foods.
Consume a high-fiber diet to help you lose six pounds in a week. Fiber helps control your appetite, boost your metabolism and strip fat from your body. It acts as an internal scrubber and aids in toxin removal. Foods high in fiber include most fruits and vegetables, whole grains, bran and nuts.
Keep your body pH balanced. Having a level too high in acidity or alkaline can cause your body to be out of balance and not operate optimally. Foods high in protein, fats and carbohydrates are acid-forming foods, and alkaline-forming foods are fruits and vegetables, which includes citruses. Test your urine with a pH testing strip to help you maintain a healthy balance --- and in turn a body more prone to drop six pounds in a week.