How to Reduce Weight in My Abdominals
Make exercise part of your lifestyle and continue to exercise even after reducing your weight to prevent gaining it back. Increase the heart rate for 45 consecutive minutes per day, three days per week. Perform different exercises such as biking, swimming, walking or running to surprise and challenge the body.
Start a strength-training routine where you target all parts of the body on three non-consecutive days of the week. Lift weights to increase muscle mass because muscle mass activates the metabolism all day long.
Sculpt your waist line by toning your abdominals so that once your stomach fat is gone, your flat tummy will show. Do a variety of stomach exercises such as crunches, sit-ups, reverse crunches, the plank and the stomach vacuum. Use a stability ball or ab roller as you get stronger.
Adapt healthy eating habits that you can easily manage. Avoid fried foods and processed foods and broil, bake or grill your food instead. Get your carbohydrates from vegetables, fruits, whole-grain and fiber-rich products. Prepare lean protein such as fish and chicken and use unsaturated fats such as olive oil. Eat up to six times per day by consuming a small meal every three hours. Cook your own food so you can control the ingredients.
Avoid result-sabotaging foods and beverages. Stay away from alcohol because it has no nutrition and many calories. Avoid salt because it makes you retain water and causes the belly to bloat. Drink water to flush out salt and to stay hydrated.
Avoid stressful situations because increased stress levels trigger the release of cortisol. Cortisol is the stress hormone that is associated with weight gain, predominantly in the stomach area.
Avoid not getting enough sleep because according to the National Sleep Foundation, insufficient sleep can inhibit your productivity, limit the body's functioning potential and increase your appetite.
Consult with your doctor about any medications you take because some medications such as aspirin and certain antibiotics can cause bloating of the stomach.