How to Lose Weight Fast Without Ordering or Paying Anything
Boost your metabolism by eating frequently. Split up breakfast, lunch and dinner into six separate smaller meals that you consume throughout the day. Provide constant nutrition to the body to force it to continuously metabolize fat.
Avoid diets. Instead, monitor your eating habits and avoid insulin spikes caused by eating sugar, fried foods and simple "white" carbohydrates. Replace fatty meats with lean meats such as chicken and fish. Consume avocados, olive oil and raw nuts because they contain unsaturated "healthy" fats which maintain healthy cholesterol levels, unlike saturated fats. Look for whole-grain and fiber-rich products, including brown rice and whole-wheat pasta, because these metabolize slowly so you feel full longer.
Perform low intensity cardiovascular exercise for three to five minutes before boosting the intensity to high for three to five minutes. Keep switching from low to high intensity to make up a total of 30 to 45 minutes per day, three days of the week. According to the Mayo Clinic website, performing interval training like this, you will burn more calories than same-intensity cardio does, and you are less likely to become bored. You can perform interval training while running, riding a bike, swimming, working out on the elliptical machine or just walking.
Train all of your body parts with weights to stimulate muscle tissue. Muscle tissue activates the metabolism long after your workout ends. Lift weight on Mondays to target the arms and shoulders. Work your back and abdominals on Wednesdays, and train the legs on Fridays. Give yourself one rest day after each weight lifting workout.
Drink at least three cups of green tea per day. According to the Colon Health website, green tea promotes metabolic burn, fat absorption and reduces your appetite.
Prioritize sleep, and get at least seven to nine hours per night for your body to function at its best. When you sleep, your body restores and replenishes itself. According to the National Sleep Foundation website, lack of sleep reduces your energy level and leaves you fatigued. If your body doesn't function at its best, your metabolism is suffering also.