How to Lose Weight and Look Fantastic

Losing weight makes you feel better about yourself and improves your appearance. Additionally, excess weight loss has health benefits. According to the Everyday Health website, losing 10 to 15 lb. of your overweight frame lowers your risk of osteoarthritis, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. To lose weight your need to eat healthy so you still get all the vitamins and minerals your body needs and you have to start exercising regularly.


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      Avoid drastic diets that are hard to stick to and make healthy food choices instead. Stop consuming fried foods, processed foods, sugar, white carbohydrates, fatty meats and bad fats. Grill, broil or steam your food and consume lean meats, unsaturated fats such as olive oil and raw nuts and fiber-rich, low-calorie vegetables. Eat complex carbohydrates such as brown rice and whole-wheat breads because they digest slowly and make you feel full longer and don't throw off your insulin levels.

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      Forget about eating three meals per day and eat six smaller meals instead because it will keep your metabolism up all through the day and keep you from craving unhealthy foods.

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      Ride a bicycle for 30 to 45 minutes, three days of the week. Work up a sweat and increase your heart rate and metabolism so you burn fat. Challenge yourself by mixing up the kind of cardiovascular exercise you do. Run, walk, swim, participate in group sports, or use the cardiovascular workout equipment at the gym if you have access to one.

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      Strength train and build muscle tissue to make your body a fat-burning machine that is active all day long. Lift weights that tone all body parts. Train different muscles each day, three days of the week. Rest 24 hours after each weight-lifting workout so the muscles can restore themselves.

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      Manage stress to keep cortisol levels in check. The University of New Mexico website states that the stress hormone cortisol is stimulated by high stress levels. Cortisol increases your appetite and sugar cravings and can cause weight gain, especially around the middle.

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      Avoid dehydration by drinking at least eight, 8 oz. glasses of water daily. According to MayoClinic website, lack of water drains your energy and doesn't allow your body to function at its full potential. Water is important to flush toxins out of your organs, transport nutrients and metabolize fat.

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      Avoid lacking sleep by getting at least 7 and 9 hours of shut eye each night. When you sleep your body restores and replenishes itself so you have enough energy for the next day. Sleep also keeps fatigue and result-sabotaging cravings at bay.

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      Reward yourself from time to time as your weight loss progresses. Buy that piece of clothing that you've had your eye on, get your hair and nails done or get a facial. Do something that will make your feel good about your healthier lifestyle and that will motivate you to continue.

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