How to Lose Seven Pounds in a Month
Incorporate more activity in your day, regardless of how much you're currently getting. This can be as simple as a 15 minute walk in the morning and another at night, joining a gym or sports team or taking a yoga class once a week. Physical exercise every day helps speed up your body's metabolism, which burns fat. If you join a gym, effective cardio workouts include the treadmill and elliptical machine.
Eat breakfast every day to keep your blood sugar level balanced. If you have trouble making time for breakfast in the morning, try rising 15 minutes earlier -- you'll have time for a quick breakfast and will feel better.
Avoid sugar in as many forms as possible, but especially in beverages. Adding sugar to your coffee and consuming soft drinks drastically increase your daily sugar consumption. Replace your soft drinks with a moderate amount of fruit juice.
Drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Drinking water has myriad health benefits, including burning fat. Because of its ability to hydrate your body and help burn fat, drinking eight glasses of water every day is vitally important to your health.
Eat at least five servings of vegetables and fruit daily. Fruits and vegetables are loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants, while low in calories. Eat as many colors of fruits and vegetables as possible, especially dark green veggies. Every color of fruit and vegetable has different health benefits associated with it. Fruits to incorporate include blueberries, pomegranates, apples and bananas. Vegetables to add to your diet include greens such as kale and spinach, avocados, asparagus and garlic.
Eat as many as six meals a day, keeping your portion sizes small. If you eat breakfast at 7 a.m., for example, have a small meal around 10 a.m. before your lunch at noon. Eat another meal around 3 p.m. if you have dinner at 6 p.m. If you find yourself hungry, add another meal to your day. Eating small-portioned meals keeps you feeling full and helps avoid the desire to snack, particularly on unhealthy foods.
Avoid foods that contain saturated fats. Foods that are deep-fried and loaded with bad fats are known to cause a multitude of health problems, including weight gain. These foods include fried foods such as French fries and potato chips and foods made with cream such as cheese and butter.
Learn to read and understand the labels on foods. Take your time at the grocery store and read the ingredients as well as the nutritional information for everything you buy. Avoid buying products loaded with sugar and fat, as they'll hamper your weight loss progress.
Eat at home as much as possible and pack bag lunches to take to work. Restaurant food is loaded with fats and sugars that cutting these meals out alone will help you lose weight. By eating at home and making bag lunches, you'll know exactly what you're putting in your body.
Allow yourself one "cheat" food a week. If you're succeeding in your weight loss goals by changing your diet and level of exercise, allow yourself to have one unhealthy meal every week.