How to Lose Water Weight in a Week
Things You'll Need
- Low-sodium foods
- Water
- Supplements
Lower your sodium intake. Avoid eating salty snacks and processed foods and opt for fresh foods. When you cook at home, use seasonings like garlic, onion and peppers to add flavor to your dishes. Lowering your sodium may take a little effort because so many food items, even those labeled healthy, have excess salt. Read the labels of anything before putting it in your mouth. Even food items like candy bars and pastries may have hidden sodium.
Eat foods rich in potassium. Potassium is one of the body's three electrolytes, along with sodium and chloride. This essential mineral helps the body maintain the proper water balance. If you are potassium-deficient, you may experience swollen fingers and toes. To reduce water weight, eat potassium-rich foods like tomatoes, broccoli, peas, leafy greens, bananas, apples and dried apricots. Grapefruit juice and lemon juice also remove excess water out of the body.
Take supplements. Deficiencies in vitamins B1, B5 and B6; calcium and vitamin D cause the body to retain excess fluid. Vitamins B5 and B6, in particular, helps the body remove excess fluid. You can take a multivitamin with these vitamins or consume them with food. Calcium-rich foods include yogurt and low-fat dairy. You find B1 in whole grains, seeds and wheat germ. Beans, eggs and saltwater fish contain B5, and you consume B6 in beef and leafy greens.
Drink lots of water. It may sound counterintuitive, but drinking more waters actually reduces water weight. Water flushed sodium and waste products out of the body, preventing bloating and fluid buildup. Avoid caffeinated beverages because they dehydrate the body. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day, depending on your level of activity.
Maintain your exercise routine. When you are retaining excess water, you may feel sluggish and be tempted to ditch your workout. Exercise reduces water weight because it widens blood vessels and increases circulation. Exercise every day of the week. You don't have to do a strenuous aerobics workout; simple activities like walking, biking, water aerobics and swimming helps get fluids going.