How to Get Rid of Bottom Fat
Things You'll Need
- Weights
Eat healthy. The cornerstone of any fat-loss diet is reducing your consumption of saturated fats, sodium and refined sugars. Focus on a diet rich in dark green vegetables, fruits, lean proteins and unsaturated fats. Opt for whole grains instead of white flour and low-fat dairy. Instead of eating big meals, eat six small meals a day to keep your metabolism going and to stave off starvation.
Add exercise to your daily routine. Incorporate extra exercise in your day by using the stairs whenever possible, whether taking them at work, in your home or shopping. Squeeze your butt as you go up each step. Walk as much as possible, tightening the butt muscles. It may sound silly, but you can do butt squeezes in your car while waiting for the red light to change.
Perform cardiovascular exercises that really work the butt. Exercises that really work the bottom include step aerobics, stair climbing machines, elliptical machines, hiking, ballet and cycling/spinning classes. To really burn calories, workout at least 60 minutes, three to five times a day. You can purchase beginner ballet workouts on DVD or download printable ballet moves from the "Self" magazine website.
Do squats. You can do squats in so many positions that all areas of your bottom get worked out. To do an effective squat, push your buttock back as if you are sitting down in a chair. Keeping the feet close together works the back of the buttock while placing your feet shoulder-width apart or in a plié position focuses on the side of the butt and the area where the butt and the thighs meet. In the plié position, make sure your feet are turned outward like a ballet dancer. Use heavy dumbbells to add resistance. You should do three sets of eight to 12 repetitions at least three times a week on alternating days. You can do as little as a 15-minute workout to get results.
Perform straight leg back extensions. Your standing leg should have a slight bend to prevent knee injury. The working leg should be extended behind you with your toe pointed on the floor. Raise the working leg until you feel a contraction in the butt area. Do three sets of eight to 12 repetitions. To add resistance, use exercise tubing or ankle weights. You can do leg extensions at the same time you do squats.
Do lunges. You need to work the other area of the lower body in order to get a complete workout. Step forward or backward, making sure both legs are about 90 degrees. You can do eight to 12 repetitions in three sets. If you have enough space, do walking lunges to add variety. Adding heavy dumbbells provides more resistance to your workout.