How to Run Intervals to Lose Weight
Things You'll Need
- Treadmill
Warming Up, Stretching and Interval Training
Stand on a flat surface and stretch your entire body starting from the neck down. When this simple warm up is done you are ready to start the interval training workout. Move onto the treadmill.
Jog for 5 minutes on the treadmill. The pace should be just greater than a fast walk, designed to raise your heart rate slightly. Try treadmill settings of around 4 mph and at a 2 to 3 slight incline.
Raise the speed up to approximately 6 mph with the same incline of around 2 to 3. After 2 minutes, raise the speed but lower the incline slightly. The speed should be around 7 to 8mph and the incline around 1 to 2.
Repeat the intervals of 6 mph then 7 to 8mph around four times at inclines of 2 or 3 and 1 or 2. This should really get the heart rate going.
Drop the speed down and the interval up. This should be around 4 mph with an incline of around 5 or 6. Keep at this speed for 2 minutes.
Raise the speed again, this time to around 7 mph but drop the incline to around 1 or 2. After 2 minutes, raise the speed again to 8 mph and drop the incline to 0 for a another 2 minutes. Repeat 4 times.
Lower the speed down to 5 to 6 mph and raise the incline back up to 3 or 4. This should be at a more relaxed speed so that you can get your breath back for around a minute. Lower the speed even more so that you are at a fast walk. Continue for 2 minutes.
Sprint as fast as you possibly can at a speed you still feel comfortable with. Do this for 2 minutes.
Jog for 5 minutes on the treadmill. Again, maintain a pace that's greater than a fast walk. This should be at around 4 mph and at a slight incline at around 2 to 3.
Walk for 5 minutes on a low setting around 1 or 2 mph as you cool down. You heart rate should start to slow and you should feel less out of breath. The workout is now complete.