How to Lose 71 Pounds
Things You'll Need
- Calorie calculator
- Diet journal
- Nutritious foods
- Water
- Exercise clothing
- Physician contact information
Set a weight loss schedule. The maximum amount of weight you should plan to lose without risking loss of muscle tissue is 2 lbs. each week, according to means you should plan to spread your weight loss goal of 71 lbs. over 35.5 weeks, or about eight to nine months.
Calculate your maximum daily calorie intake. This is the most you can eat and still lose 2 lbs. a week. Use an online calorie calculator from websites such as to figure out how many calories you need each day to maintain your current weight. Then subtract 1,000 from that number -- since losing 2 lbs. a week requires a daily calorie deficit of 1,000 calories. The resulting difference is your maximum daily calorie intake.
Record your eating habits in a diet journal. Write down what you eat and when. This will help you track your eating patterns and identify any weak spots. You may also discover emotional or psychological triggers for your eating such as stress. Brainstorm alternative ways of responding to these triggers. For example, if you begin feeling anxious, take a walk, clean the house or call a friend rather than snacking. Develop a repertoire of such activities to draw from during times of negative psychological and emotional stress.
Change your diet to reflect your maximum daily intake. Avoid high calorie foods such as sweets and fried foods. Eat a lot of legumes, whole wheat bread, rice and leafy green vegetables, notes UC Berkeley Drink at least three liters of water a day. This will help replenish fluids and fill your stomach without adding extra calories to your diet.
Exercise every day. If you're just starting off, don't do anything strenuous. Try walking, raking leaves, cleaning the house and dancing. As your physical fitness improves, gradually integrate more vigorous activities like running, cycling and tennis. You can burn anywhere between 200 and 800 calories during an hour of aerobic exercise, depending on your current weight and the intensity of physical activity. Work out for at least 30 minutes every day at a moderate intensity level. This will ensure a calorie burn of 200 to 400 calories per day, which will contribute to maintaining your overall daily deficit of 1,000 calories.
Lift weights. In addition to promoting physical strength, a weightlifting regimen will also help you burn more calories while at rest, according to WebMD. Choose compound exercises because they work your entire body at once. Effective compound weightlifting exercises include bench press, squats, dead lifts, dips and pull-ups. Hit the weights two or three times a week, leaving a day or two in between workouts to allow your muscles to recover and rebuild.