How to diet at the workplace
Prepare healthy snacks. Plan ahead and evaluate your schedule to try to prepare when you can snack and what type of snack to take to work. For instance, if doughnuts are provided for meetings and special gatherings, volunteer to provide a fruit salad or vegetable platter for the event. Also, an apple, grapes or carrots and celery for an afternoon snack are good alternatives to high-calorie and high-fat snacks.
Develop accountability. Including your coworkers in your weight loss efforts can help you maintain a diet while at work. Invite work friends to join you in lunchtime walks or invite a coworker to join you at the gym after work. Developing a workplace support network can help prevent unhealthy choices at times of temptation.
Keep moving. Don't remain seated. Get up and stretch or walk to a coworker's desk to ask a question. If your office policy allows, take walks around the building during breaks. Lunch-hour laps should be allowed, but check with your supervisor. Exercising on breaks and frequently engaging in gentle stretches at the desk can both increase workplace productivity and decrease the need for unhealthy snacks.
Drink lots of water. Studies show that drinking water will help control weight and improve diets. Drinking two glasses of water before meals helps dieting and improves weight loss, according to a study by the American Dietetic Association. The human body has a difficult time telling the difference between hunger and thirst. Drink water, but not too much, to quench your hunger.