How to Lose 26 Pounds
Things You'll Need
- Calorie calculator
- Food journal
Record your weight loss schedule. Two pounds per week is considered a healthy weight loss goal. At the rate of two pounds per week, it could take approximately 13 weeks to lose 26 pounds. Don't try to shed the weight any faster. Losing 26 pounds in less than 13 weeks could put you at risk for losing muscle mass.
Calculate your daily calorie intake. Daily calorie intake is the maximum number of calories you can eat in a day and still lose two pounds a week. Use an online calorie counter to determine how many calories you need to eat in a day to maintain your current weight. Then, figure out the number of calories you need to cut from your diet. To lose two pounds each week, you need a daily calorie deficit of 1,000 calories, meaning you must expend 1,000 more calories than you consume. Subtract 1,000 from the amount of calories needed to maintain your current weight. The difference is your daily calorie intake.
Track your eating habits in a food journal. Record your eating habits by writing down what you eat, how much you eat and when you eat. Use your food journal to reflect on your daily calorie intake. Write down how you eat and how feel when you eat low-calorie foods such foods include legumes, complex carbohydrates, lean red meat, fish, poultry and leafy vegetables.
Exercise every day. Set a workout schedule. Exercising daily spreads the workout evenly over the 13 weeks needed to lose 26 pounds. Perform aerobic exercise. If you're just beginning, don't do strenuous physical activity. Raking leaves and walking the dog are adequate. Gradually work your way up to running and cycling as your physical fitness improves.
Track your progress. Set small goals along the way. Weigh yourself weekly, record weight loss and improve your diet accordingly. Evidence of progress can help you stay motivated.