How to Put a New Weight Loss Plan Into Action

Losing weight requires perseverance, dedication and a balanced plan of action. Fad diets may result in quick weight loss, but the can compromise your health and the weight will come back quickly once you complete the diet and resume your old habits. One way to achieve healthy weight loss is to commit to a program that involves both exercise and healthy nutrition. Burning more calories than you consume will help you to shed pounds. Making exercise and good nutrition a permanent change in your lifestyle will help you keep the weight off once you reach your goals.

Things You'll Need

  • Nutritional healthy food and food plan
  • Gym or home exercise equipment
  • Proper exercise footwear and clothing
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      Consult your doctor before beginning a new weight loss plan, especially if you have had any health problems or concerns. She may be able to suggest the best nutritional weight loss plan for your body type and the amount of weight you wish to lose.

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      Join a gym and consult a trainer to suggest a suitable fitness plan for you. If you enjoy classes rather than working out alone, make sure that the gym you join has classes available at times you are able to attend. If you don't have a gym available or don't wish to join, make time in your schedule to walk or work out with exercise equipment at home several times each week.

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      Ensure that you are emotionally ready to put your weight loss plan into action. If you are dealing with personal issues that are causing you stress, you may find it more difficult to stick to your diet since stress can result in anxiety-eating.

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      Clear your cabinets and pantry of any junk food or problem foods that trigger you to eat improperly. Replace those unhealthy foods with nutritious items such as dried fruit, nuts and low-calorie snacks.

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      Stock your refrigerator with plenty of vegetables and fruits. Clean your vegetables as soon as you get home from the grocery store so that preparation is easy and fast. Celery and carrot sticks make for healthy snacking, and you are more likely to snack on them if they are clean and readily available.

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      Set reasonable goals for yourself. Healthy weight loss is a slow process, and it's both unrealistic and unhealthy to expect fast weight loss. Set long-term goals but focus on realistic short-term goals such as eating healthy food and exercising three times a week.

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