How to Lose Belly Weight in a Week
Create a weight loss plan -- and be realistic about your ability to follow it. For instance, if ice cream is a weakness, allow yourself one spoonful a night so you do not binge on it mid-week. In addition, outline a healthy diet and exercise plan that you can follow every day.
Eat whole grains and lean meats such as salmon, nuts, grains and lean cuts of beef. A diet rich in whole grains and lean meats can help your body mobilize fat stores, notes WebMD. The proper diet can get your fat active and burning.
Trim carbohydrates from your diet. Refined foods, including white bread and pasta, elevate your blood sugar levels and help fat build up and become stored. If you must eat bread, pay attention to the serving size -- one slice of bread is typically one serving of bread.
Eat monounsaturated fats in moderation. These include avacados, soybeans, olive and canola oils, nuts and seeds. While some monounsaturated fats do have health benefits for your heart, they are still fats and can be high in calories.
Perform weightlifting exercises two days a week, cardio three days a week and some type of stretching routine such as yoga. You can make a difference in your belly weight with exercise, which burns calories instantly, while you are creating a routine that you should stick to when the week ends.