How to Lose Weight in 2 Months Naturally
Eating Correctly and Exercising
Eat a balanced diet. There are no hidden myths and no special foods recommended to eat here, just eat lots of fruit and vegetables and cut out processed foods such as fried chicken. Weight loss will not be as fast if you do not maintain a healthy balanced diet and stick to your recommended daily calorie intake --- 2,000 calories for women and 2,500 calories for men.
Drink eight pints of water a day. This will help the body flush out toxins, keep you hydrated and will actually help you feel full if you are finding that the new diet makes you hungry.
Visit your local gym for advice on exercising. Staff members will be able to give you a workout that lasts about an hour and is suitable for someone trying to lose weight. If you can not afford to go to the gym, try the simple tips below. The exercises should be carried out every day if possible, lasting approximately an hour.
Begin your workout with stretching. Start from the neck downward, and make sure you really stretch your arms and legs. This should last approximately five to 10 minutes.
Perform a cardiovascular exercise for about 25 to 30 minutes. This can be anything that raises the heart rate considerably including running, fast/power walking, cycling and swimming. If you are a member at the gym, you could also sign up to do cardiovascular classes such as spinning. This type of exercise will burn the most calories.
Move to a safe area where you can start some core strength training. This will take the form of exercises such as sit-ups and lunges. Carry out these exercises for around 20 minutes.
Repeat the stretching exercises that you started with, again starting from the neck down. This will help you relax and bring the heart rate back to its normal weight. It will also prevent the muscles from stiffening and causing pain throughout the day. You have now finished your workout.