How to Calculate Calories by Weight
Things You'll Need
- Weight scale
Weigh yourself. Determine which weight you would like to achieve.
Subtract your target weight from your current weight to calculate the amount of weight you must lose to reach your goal. If you weigh 140 and want to weigh 120, then 20 pounds is your target weight loss.
Multiply the target weight loss by 3,500 calories to calculate the total calorie deficit required. In the example, 20 pounds times 3,500 calories per pound results in a total calorie deficit of 70,000 calories.
Divide the total calorie deficit by the number of days you have allotted yourself to meet your goal. This gives you a target daily calorie deficit. In the example, If you are allowing yourself 90 days to reach your goal, then you would divide 70,000 by 90. This means you would have to achieve a daily calorie deficit of 778 calories. If you give yourself 180 days, then the required deficit is 389 calories per day.