How to Lose 6 Lbs. of Weight
Take in 500 calories less every day to lose 1 lb. per week. According to Family Doctor, losing up to 2 lbs. per week is healthy. One pound has 3,500 calories, so cutting 500 calories every day will result in 1 lb. of weight loss per week.
Have a small, healthy meal every three hours of the day. Eat up to six meals daily because eating frequently will ban cravings and keep your metabolism burning calories and fat all day.
Cut out sugars, simple carbohydrates, saturated fats, alcohol and fried and processed foods. Eat healthier foods such as complex carbohydrates including fiber-rich foods, brown rice and whole wheat pasta. Get your fat from healthy sources such as olive oil, raw nuts and nut butters. Consume lean protein such as fish and chicken. Replace full-fat products with healthier low or non-fat alternatives.
Increase your metabolism by starting a cardiovascular exercise regimen three days of the week for 45 minutes per day. Perform a variety of exercises to keep your body challenged and to prevent boredom. Exercise on the stair-climber or elliptical machine -- or go running, swimming, biking or walking.
Incorporate strength training three days of the week. Lift weights that target all body parts so that you increase muscle tissue which fires up your metabolism to burn fat all day long. Train shoulders and arms on Mondays, back and abdominals on Wednesdays and legs on Fridays. Allow one rest day after each workout so the muscles can recover.
Get seven to nine hours of sleep per night. According to the Diet Channel, insufficient sleep raises the Ghrelin hormone levels in the body which is responsible for hunger feelings. The body, including your metabolism, functions optimally when it has sufficient sleep.
Drink sufficient water so your body stays hydrated and doesn't get fatigued during the day. Consume 1/2 oz. of water for every pound of body weight -- if you are very active consume 2/3 oz. of water for every pound.