How to Lose 25 Pounds of Fat
Things You'll Need
- Pedometer
Calculate and divide up your daily calories and distribute them between meals and snacks. Your calorie goals should be set by a doctor or nutritionist. Never eat less than 1,200 calories per day. Write down everything you eat in a small notebook throughout the day.
Do vigorous aerobic exercise for 60 minutes, five days per week. The exercise should raise your heart beat and make it so that you can carry on a conversation, in order to help you lose 25 lbs. Some examples of aerobic exercise include water aerobics and biking.
Increase protein consumption. Clean sources of protein are whey protein powders, eggs and chicken. Protein is satiating and keeps you full longer. It also keeps blood sugar stable and leads to less consumption of empty calories.
Wear a pedometer. Seeing how much you are walking each day can make walking more fun and encourage you to walk more. Try and take 10,000 steps each day. It should not replace other physical activity but add to it.
Eat healthy fats. Adding these fats such as avocados and olive oil nourishes your skin and hair. Healthy fats can reduce appetite as they are filling. They also can make you feel emotionally satisfied as these fats can taste immensely pleasing.