How to Lose Inches & Pounds Quickly
Eat five to six small meals during the day. According to Susan Kleiner, Ph.D., R.D., who is a sports nutritionist, eating every two to three hours will keep your energy high and prevent dips in blood sugar levels. Include protein, complex carbohydrates and a bit of fat to each small meal.
Follow a diet that is low in carbohydrates and high in protein. Eat vegetables, fruits, fish, eggs and tofu. Also, add small amounts of healthy fats such as avocados and olive oil. This will nourish hair and skin and also keep you full. Avoid all processed foods. All food that comes in a box should be considered processed.
Reduce your calorie consumption. Use a tool such as to track the food and beverages that you consume throughout the day. This tool will advise you how many calories you need to eat or burn each day to lose inches and pounds quickly.
Perform full body weight training two days per week. Exercises to include are push-ups, squats and bicep curls. Perform the exercises using your own body weight, dumbbells or weight machines. This will reshape your body and increase the inches lost.
Practice aerobic exercise for 60 to 90 minutes, five times per week. This is ideal for fast weight loss. Some examples of aerobic exercise to try are step aerobics, running and jumping rope.