How to Lose Your Belly Fast for Men
Cut back on carbohydrates. Foods that cause your body to store fat like pasta, breads, sugars and flour can cause bloating in your stomach. You might also find that you have trouble digesting these carbohydrates. Your body stores these foods for extra energy instead of burning them when you exercise. Avoid alcohol because it can cause fluid retention in your stomach, increasing bloating and dehydration.
Switch to a healthier diet. Consume fresh citrus fruits to help quicken your metabolism, leafy green vegetables and nuts. Add adequate amounts of nonfat yogurt, lean proteins such as chicken and fish and whole grains. Maintain hydration by drinking eight 8 oz. cups of water every day.
Exercise frequently. While lifting weights may help to burn calories and build muscle, you must increase your cardiovascular aerobics to get your heart pumping. Some good exercises include running, jogging, aerobics, biking or swimming. Enjoy the acttivity for at least half an hour each day to not only burn unwanted fat and calories, but also to keep your heart healthy and lower your risk of diabetes.
Tighten your abdominal muscles by doing crunches. Begin by doing only 10 repetitions. Once this becomes easy, increase the number gradually. While spot reduction is not possible, crunches will help to burn calories around your midsection and strengthen your back and shoulders. These exercises will help to make your stomach firmer so that once you begin to lose weight, you will have a sleek, flat stomach.
Do leg raises. Begin by doing sets of 10 repetitions at least twice every day. Although leg raises will not help burn a significant amount of calories from your belly, they will help to tighten the abdominal muscles.