How to Lose 45 Pounds in 3 Months
Things You'll Need
- Scale
- Chewing gum/cough drops
- Water
- Organic food
- Workout machines
Losing Weight
Scales are used to track short-term and long-term goals on a regular basis. Weigh yourself daily. By closely tracking progress, one can closely observe their short-term results and gain a sense of accomplishment. By doing so, they will be encouraged to fulfill their long-term goals.
Food journals help dieters track their daily calories and their future food goals. Maintain a food journal. By writing down everything you eat, you are able to see the foods you eat and the calories contained in them. By having this information, you can adjust future meals, and record the amount of calories so that the weight is lost.
Eat the same few meals over and over again. Mixing and matching foods from the proteins, vegetables, and legumes food groups helps to keep energy levels high and hunger low.
Stay full. According to Steve from BripBlap, chewing gum keeps the mouth busy and satisfies cravings for sweets. For those who do not enjoy chewing gum, cough drops are an alternative.
Drinking water is a source of hydration, and helps in feeling full. Drink lots of water. Water hydrates, and can be a temporary stand-in for food. A lemon wedge can be added to water for flavor. Soda and soft drinks should be eliminated from daily intake. If sweets are craved, unsweetened tea and low-sugar juices are alternatives.
Exercise and strength training increase energy and metabolism for healthy weight loss. Exercise. Exercising burns more calories, allows faster weight loss and ensures that weight is not gained back immediately. Not only does exercising promote healthy weight loss, but it also gives people a sense of accomplishment each time, thus increasing self-esteem and dieting goals. Strength training should be incorporated in exercise, because strength training serves to tone muscles and increase metabolism.
Take one day a week off. While it is fine to eat healthy on a daily basis, it is also okay to take one day a week off to eat whatever you would like. Saturdays are good days to be lenient because it is the start of the weekend and the end of the work week. Taking off one day a week increases weight loss because it keeps the metabolic rate regulated, and keeps you on track of the long-term goal.