How to Get Rid of Underarm Fat
Things You'll Need
- Healthy food
- Workout clothes
- Running shoes
- Barbell and weights
Change your diet to lose body fat. This means eating less and making sure that what you do eat is healthy. Choose small amounts of whole grains, eat protein at every meal and make sure most of your calories come from vegetables and a couple of servings of fruit. Eliminate processed carbs, such as white bread and pasta, and junk food such as chips, cookies, chocolate, etc. Avoid alcohol and sweetened beverages, and drink plenty of water.
Do cardiovascular exercise. There is no specific exercise to help you lose fat in your upper arms, but by exercising intensely, you lose fat overall, reducing the flab in your arms. Try power walking or jogging. Add intervals, in which you walk or jog as fast as you can for a short time, then recover. Repeat several times. Gradually increase the length of the interval and reduce your recovery time. This burns fat and calories.
Lift weights. Weights can tone your upper arms so your muscles show through once you lose the fat that covers them. Do resistance training two or three times per week, resting at least one day in between and exercising each major muscle group: arms, shoulders, chest, back, legs and abdominal area. Weight training helps your body build muscle, which burns more calories even when you're resting. This helps you lose body fat.
Add extra exercises for your triceps muscle. This muscle, on the back of the arm, tends to get used less than the biceps, which is on the front of the arm. Do a triceps extension. Hold a barbell with your arm bent behind you, hand facing down. Extend your arm straight behind you and lower. Repeat eight to 12 times, then repeat with the other arm. Do two or three sets. If this is too easy, increase the weight for your next workout. To exercise without weights, do triceps dips. Sit on a chair with your hands gripping the edge. Lift your buttocks off the chair so your arms are supporting you, and lower your body and lift up. Do as many of these as you can.