How to Get Rid of Beer Fat
Give up alcohol, at least until you lose your beer fat. Once you lose the fat, you might be able to drink beer occasionally. But your health will improve and you will lose weight if you eliminate the extra calories from alcohol.
Eat healthy food. This might be easier once you stop drinking beer, since alcohol tends to make you crave high-fat foods. Choose plenty of vegetables, whole grains and lean protein. Eliminate junk food such as potato chips, chocolate and cookies. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and to help you feel more full.
Exercise. To lose body fat you need to do intense cardiovascular exercise such as power walking or jogging. Add intervals to boost your workout even more: walk or jog as quickly as you can for as long as you can, then slow down to recover. Repeat several times, and gradually try to increase the length of the interval and reduce your recovery time. This will burn extra calories so you can lose weight more quickly.
Lift weights. This helps keep your metabolism up, which means you burn more calories even when you're resting so you can lose weight more quickly. Aim to lift weights two to three times per week, resting at least one day in between sessions and targeting all the major muscle groups, including abdominals, arms, shoulders, chest, back and legs.