The Best Way to Blast Belly Fat

Belly fat can be caused by eating too much unhealthy foods such as hamburgers, fries, cookies and sweets. Stress can also exacerbate your belly fat problem. Regardless of how you gained fat in the stomach area, regular exercise and a healthy diet are required to blast away belly fat. You'll have to reduce your total body fat because spot reduction isn't possible.


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      Mix interval training with long, same-intensity cardiovascular exercise to challenge your body, maximize fat burn and to keep boredom at bay. Do 20 to 60 minutes of cardio exercise per day, for two to three days per week. Run, swim, ride a bike or exercise on the elliptical machine or stair-climber. Add in two to three days of interval training for 20 to 60 minutes per week. Perform interval training by doing two to five minutes of moderate intensity cardio such as running or biking. Switch to two to five minutes at high intensity. Switch back and forth between intensities. Build up the amount of exercise according to your fitness level.

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      Lift weights two to three days a week to help optimize your workout and maintain fat loss all over your body. Building muscles increases your metabolism -- which helps you burn fat throughout the day, even after you have stopped working out.

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      Target the belly with a variety of stomach exercises that work your abdominals and reveal tight, toned muscles once your stomach fat has been reduced. Train your upper abs by doing crunches and sit-ups. Work the lower stomach muscles with leg lifts and reverse crunches -- and target the obliques by performing side bends and bicycle crunches.

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      Eat nutritious foods every three hours of the day. Consume a small meal up to six times per day to keep your metabolism working. Consume lean protein because it helps build muscle mass and makes you feel full longer. Aim for complex "slow-digesting" carbohydrates such as brown rice and fiber-rich, whole grain products. Avoid saturated fats because they promote bad cholesterol. Consume unsaturated fats instead.

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      Avoid empty calories from alcohol and sugary beverages which drain your energy during workouts and leave you feeling sluggish. Drink water instead.

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      Stop smoking cigarettes if you smoke. According to the Natural Home Remedies website, smoking tobacco lowers the metabolism.

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      Consume up to five cups of green tea daily. According to the Colon Health website, drinking green tea will rev up your metabolism and stop your body from absorbing fat.

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