How to Lose 5 Pounds in 1 Week Without Pills
Things You'll Need
- Calorie chart
- Exercise clothing and equipment
- Healthy foods
Calculate your time-bound weight loss goal. To lose 5 pounds in one week, you need to drop about 0.715 pounds per day. This is relatively fast weight loss, and for someone without a lot of weight to lose, it can lead to loss of muscle tissue.
Track how many calories you eat per day by keeping a diet journal. Check nutrition labels and record how many calories you eat each day based on the type and amount of food you consume. Keeping a journal will also help you identify psychological triggers that make you feel compelled to eat, like stress or loneliness.
Determine your calorie deficit. You need to burn about 3,500 calories to lose 1 pound. Since you are trying to lose 5 pounds, you will need to burn about 17,500 calories all together, which breaks down to 2,500 calories per day. This means you will need to expend 2,500 more calories than you take in each day during the week. Take the total number of calories you consume per day and subtract 2,500. The result is the maximum number of calories you can eat per day if you want to lose five pounds in a week. Don't consume fewer than 1,200 calories per day, or the minimum calorie recommendation for your weight and height, or you'll deny your body essential nutrients and risk the consequences of malnutrition. Burn off extra calories through exercise.
Cut the appropriate number of calories from your diet. Since you need to cut 2,500 calories per day from your diet to meet this goal, you should avoid high-calorie foods such as red meats, fatty foods and simple sugars. Eat a lot of leafy green vegetables and drink water to fill your stomach without consuming a lot of calories.
Exercise every day. The more the better, and the harder the better. If you have more weight to lose, you'll burn more calories during exercise. This will help you reach your daily 2,500 calorie reduction goal. It also will help you shed water weight.