How to Get a Flatter Stomach Fast
Think Food and Drink
Eat the right stuff. For a beautifully flat belly, treat your body like a temple. That doesn't mean you can't enjoy fatty and sugary snacks from time to time, but make them a treat rather than a daily habit. When you feel like snacking, reach for a piece of fruit, and get your calories from whole grain foods and unsaturated fats such as avocados, nuts and seeds.
Avoid alcohol. Alcohol is surprisingly fattening, and there's nothing like a beer belly for putting you off getting up in the morning. If you must drink, do it slowly so you consume less. Opt for low-calorie sodas in your cocktails, and chose wine over beer and cider.
Balance your calories. Weight control is all about calorie balance. If you consume more calories than you need, your body will store fat; and the most common place to put on weight is the abdomen. If you eat too much, cut down on your portion sizes, or visit a dietitian for guidance on how much to eat.
Do some aerobics. Lose weight fast by engaging in regular aerobic exercise. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services urges us to get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of high-intensity aerobic exercise every week. If you do this already, increase the time you spend, or work harder to get your heart beating faster.
Do the cat and dog. Kneel on the floor with your hands placed on the floor, palms down, directly under your shoulders. Spread the weight evenly through your knees and arms. Exhale and round your back, moving your head to look toward your navel. Hold for a second and then slowly inhale, arch your back and turn your neck to look up. This will get you warmed up, ready for the other movements.
Do the basic crunch. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet pulled up to your bottom, flat on the floor. Slowly exhale and push your lower back into the floor. Hold briefly, then slowly inhale and return to your starting position. Repeat in sets of 20 or 30.
Do the tummy-toner. Lie on the floor, flat on your back, with your neck and legs aligned with your spine. Slowly exhale and lift your legs 30 cm off the ground. Hold for five deep breaths, then relax. Repeat as many times as you can for total firmness.