How to Trim Body Fat Fast
By eating less the body burns stored fat. Eat less. Richard A. Muller, physics professor at the University of California Berkley reports that because fat is so energy dense it would take hiking to the top of a 2,500-story building, running 60 miles or spending seven hours cleaning animal stalls to lose 1 lb. of fat. He says, "There is a much easier way to lose weight. Eat Less."
Replace fatty foods with healthy foods. Eat healthy. Large portions of foods high in fat and sodium contribute to America's growing waistline. It is important to eat the right amounts of healthy foods. The federal government's "MyPyramid" website offers nutrition tools, calorie tracker, meal planner and information for every age group.
Exercising burns fat. Exercise. Find a fun physical activity that you enjoy doing, and schedule at least 30 minutes every day for it. Cardiovascular exercises, such as running, dancing, racquetball and swimming, burn calories faster than less intense forms of exercise. Exercise trims fat, but can do much more than that. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports, "People who are active live longer and feel better."
Lack of sleep reduces fat loss. Sleep. Lack of sleep is associated with weight gain. In a study by the Annals of Internal Medicine, decreasing sleep by three hours decreased fat loss by 55 percent. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists adolescents 10 to 17 years old needing eight to nine and a half hours of sleep and adults needing seven to nine hours of sleep.