How to Get Rid of Lower Belly Fat Fast
Start a cardiovascular exercise routine, five days of the week. Run, swim, ride a bike, or train on the stair-climber or elliptical machine for 30 to 60 minutes on two of the five days. Combine interval training into your routine where you switch back and forth from several minutes of high intensity cardio to several minutes of moderate intensity. Build this up to 30 minutes, three days of the week. Interval training is challenging but burns more calories in a shorter period of time than long, same-intensity cardio does.
Exercise with weights two to three days per week to speed up fat burn and help keep the fat off in the long run. Build muscle mass because it forces your metabolism to burn fat all throughout the day, even when you are resting. Target all parts of the body.
Perform lower abdominal exercises to tighten the lower stomach area so that once the belly's fat layer has been reduced, you'll have toned muscles to show off. Do reverse crunches, leg circles, scissors, leg raises and hanging knee raises.
Avoid drastically cutting calories and practice portion control instead. Eat smaller meals, five to six times per day to keep the metabolism going. Emphasize complex carbohydrates, lean protein and polyunsaturated "healthy" fats. Eat foods such as fruits, vegetables, turkey, chicken, whole grains, olive oil and raw nuts. Avoid sugary beverages, white bread and refined-grain pasta.
Sit and stand up straight and maintain good posture. Form a vertical line with your ears, shoulders and hips so the natural curves of the spine stay in tact. Don't slouch. According to the "Best Health magazine" website, good posture makes you look taller, slimmer and more toned and you will also feel more confident.
Breathe deeply and meditate to prevent high stress levels and to prevent the release of cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone triggered by stress and according to the Marilyn Glenville website, it is associated to fat around the middle.