How to Get Rid of Big Belly Fat
Reduce the amount of calories consumed per day. The Mayo Clinic states you must burn more calories than you eat to lose weight, thus if you consume 2,000 calories per day you must burn at least that much to help rid excess body fat. Avoid foods high in sugar, empty calories and preservatives; instead, consume high-nutrition foods such as lean meats, vegetables, fruits and whole wheat pasta/bread. Discuss the proper caloric intake for you with your doctor to ensure your safety.
Avoid drinking alcohol and other beverages with empty calories. Liquid calories do not make the body feel full, thus the calories consumed in liquids add up with the calories consumed in food. Instead, consume only water or unsweetened teas. The Institute of Medicine states men should consume at least 125 oz of water per day while women should consume 91 oz of water per day to meet hydration needs.
Perform cardiovascular exercises four to seven times per week to help burn excess fat, which includes belly fat. Cardiovascular exercise is any exercise that raises the heart rate for a prolonged period of time. There are many types of cardio workouts, which include running, jogging, aerobics, swimming and bicycling. Not only does cardiovascular exercise help burn body fat, but also releases endorphins, which promote a sense of well-being, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Engage in compound muscle strength training exercises. Compound exercises stimulate a higher percentage of muscle fibers, thus promoting more muscle growth. Because muscles are metabolically active, a single pound of muscle mass burns 35 to 50 calories per day to sustain itself, according to Shape Fit. Thus, if you have 20 pounds of muscle, you will burn up to 1,000 calories per day while resting. Critical Bench offers a list of compound exercises for the upper and lower body.