How to Lose 30 Pounds by Working Out
Things You'll Need
- Pedometer
Perform 60 to 90 minutes of exercise at least five times per week. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, this is the amount of exercise that is necessary for weight loss. Examples of exercise that will raise your heart rate are running, swimming and using an elliptical machine.
Do resistance training two to three times per week. This can involve lifting weights or even doing power yoga, which is a vigorous, fitness-based approach to yoga. Resistance training will help to lose 30 lbs. as it builds muscle. More muscle results in more calories burned while you are at rest.
Wear a pedometer daily. You should aim for 10,000 steps per day to maintain a healthy weight and level of fitness. To lose 30 lbs. by working out, try to take 12,000 steps per day. Go for extra walks and take the stairs rather than the elevator to meet this goal.
Attend an exercise class. Most gyms offer exercise classes such as spinning and step aerobics that will be able to aid you in your weight-loss goals, and you might even find that you enjoy them.