How to Get Rid of Fat on the Ribs
Avoid starvation diets and don't drastically reduce your calorie intake, because this will trigger your body to hold onto fat in fear of starvation. Don't deprive yourself, because it can backfire, making you go on food binges.
Eat many small meals throughout the day to keep your metabolism alert and active and to reduce cravings. Eat every three hours and consume most of your carbohydrates early in the day. Have 25 percent of your daily calorie intake come from lean protein, because it makes you feel full and promotes muscle building, resulting in fat loss. Make 30 percent of your daily calories come from unsaturated fats, and get 45 percent of calories per day from complex carbohydrates.
Do 45 minutes of cardiovascular exercise per day, three days per week, to increase your metabolism and burn fat. Work out to the point where you are breathing heavily, but not gasping for air. Switch exercises you do to keep it challenging for your body. Run, swim, walk, ride a bike or exercise on the elliptical or stair-climber machines.
Take up weight training three days of the week. Target all muscles of the body for overall tone and muscle gain, since muscle mass keeps you burning fat even after your workout when you are at rest. Rest one day after each weight training workout to allow your muscles to restore.
Do exercises to target the upper and lower back and the upper abdominals, so that once the fat has been reduced, you will have toned muscle showing. Do crunches to target the upper abdominals. Perform lat pull-downs and seated rowing for the back, and do push-ups to tone the entire upper body.
Drink water throughout the day to flush toxins and waste out of your system, which will promote fat burn.