How to Lose Weight Quickly for Men
Things You'll Need
- Small pad of paper
- Pen or pencil
Write down everything daily. There are programs on the Internet such as that track calories and nutrients. To keep track of every morsel eaten throughout the day, carry a small pad of paper and pen or pencil and write down all the food you eat.
Reduce simple carbohydrate consumption. It's fine to include complex carbohydrates in the diet, such as brown rice or whole-grain bread. But you should avoid simple carbohydrates such as white rice and bread when trying to lose weight quickly.
Stop drinking alcohol. To lose weight quickly for men, eliminate those empty calories and avoid beer, wine or liquor. Regular alcohol drinkers should notice quick weight loss when eliminating those drinks.
Do aerobic exercises such as running or swimming at least four times per week. Each session should last 45 minutes to one hour. This will burn calories and help lose weight quickly.