How to Lose 10 Pounds Without Dieting
Time yourself while eating and eat slowly. Set a timer for 20 minutes and chew and consume your food slowly. It takes approximately 20 minutes before your brain gets the signal that your stomach is full. Stop eating once the timer goes off.
Make healthy choices and eat in moderation. Eat slow digesting "complex" carbohydrates, unsaturated "healthy" fats, lean protein and don't deprive yourself of anything, just eat in moderation. Don't overeat.
Eat every three hours to force your metabolism to stay activated and burn calories and fat. Eating frequently will also keep you from giving into cravings.
Incorporate cardiovascular and weight training exercise into your lifestyle, three days per week. Cardio increases metabolism and burns fat while weight training tones and builds muscle mass. Muscle mass keeps your metabolism going long after you have stopped working out.
Drink half an ounce of water for every pound of body weight. Water helps you feel full and according to the Naturo Doc website, it helps your body metabolize fat and reduces bloating.
Drink three to five cups of green tea daily. According to the Colon Health website, Green tea is believed to rev up your metabolism by 4 percent over a 24-hour period.