How to Get Rid of Lower Tummy Fat
Training one part of the body to reduce its fat, also known as spot reduction, is not possible. According to the MotleyHealth website, reducing fat in one area is only possible by reducing fat over the entire body. No matter how many crunches and sit-ups you do, without a proper diet and cardiovascular exercise and resistance training, you will not reduce fat in the lower stomach area.Instructions
Keep cortisol levels low by meditating and avoiding alcohol and tobacco. According to the "Prevention" magazine website, increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol cause excess fat around the middle.
Eat six small meals instead of three large ones. Eat every three hours to keep your metabolism going and to get constant nutrition, which will prevent you from giving into cravings. Get 25 percent of your caloric intake from protein, 30 percent from fat and 45 percent from carbohydrates.
Drink a protein shake daily. The amino acids in protein help burn fat and build muscle.
Incorporate up to 45 minutes of resistance and compound training daily on three days of the week. Tone and build muscle to rev up metabolism and burn fat all over the body, including in the lower tummy area. Lift weights, targeting different parts of the body each time your workout. Train arms and shoulders on Mondays, stomach and back on Wednesdays and legs and buttocks on Fridays. Include compound exercises: lunges, squats, dead lifts and push-ups, which target multiple muscles simultaneously.
Add three days of cardiovascular exercise. Build it up to 45 minutes per day. Run, swim, walk, ride a bike or workout on the stair climber or elliptical machine to burn calories and fat and increase metabolism.
Focus on the lower belly by doing regular abdominal exercises so that a toned stomach will show once fat is reduced. Do reverse crunches. Lie on your back on the floor with your knees bend and feet flat on the floor. Place your hands next to the body, flat on the floor. Lift your lower pelvis off the floor and bring your knees to your chest, using the lower abdominals. Exhale on the exertion and go back to your starting position
Do the stomach vacuum to work that lower stomach pooch. Suck in your tummy and hold the tension while breathing normally. Increase the amount of time you contract the stomach over time. Do this exercise wherever and whenever you want because nobody will notice you are doing it.
Do leg raises to tone the lower tummy. Lie on your back, on the floor with your hands next to you. Keep the legs straight as you raise them off the floor, pointing the toes to the ceiling. Lower the legs back down to the floor slowly while contracting the stomach. Suck in your stomach as if to bring the belly button to your spine. Repeat the exercise as many times as your fitness level allows.
Sleep at least eight hours per night. While you sleep your body replenishes and restores itself, which provides fresh energy for the next day.