How to Lose Weight by a Certain Date
Things You'll Need
- Calculator
- Daily planner
Multiply 3,500 by the pounds of weight you want to lose, and then divide this result by the number of days you have to lose it. This is your required daily caloric deficit to reach your weight-loss goal. For example, if you want to lose 20 lbs. in 100 days, your result would be a deficit of 700 calories per day.
Calculate how many calories you currently eat per day. Formulate a daily diet plan that reduces this number of calories by at least half of the daily caloric deficit you've calculated. For 20 lbs. in 100 days, this would equal a reduction of at least 350 calories eaten per day.
Exercise away the remaining amount of your calculated caloric deficit almost every day to achieve your weight-loss goal. Engage in moderate-intensity aerobic activity most days of the week, as suggested by the American College of Sports Medicine's 2007 Physical Activity and Public Health Guidelines, along with two full-body strength-building sessions per week.