How to Lose Weight in My Hips & Butt
Cut your daily calorie intake 15 to 20 percent. Lose weight gradually at the rate of 1 to 2 lbs. per week because in order to burn 1 lb., you have to burn 3,500 calories all together.
Avoid simple carbohydrates, saturated fats and fried and processed foods. Eat healthy foods including fiber-rich and whole-grain products, vegetables, turkey, chicken, fish, olive oil and raw nuts. Steam, broil or grill your food instead of frying it. Make water your main beverage, and avoid alcohol since it drains your energy.
Start exercising three days per week to keep your metabolism activated and to lose fat. Do 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise such as walking, running, biking and swimming. Incorporate 30 minutes of weight lifting where you target the entire body. Split up the body parts you train over your training days. For instance, target arms and shoulders on Mondays, abdominals and back on Wednesdays, and buttocks and legs on Fridays.
Perform exercises that target the hips and butt so once you start losing weight, tight and toned muscles will appear. Do exercises such as lunges, squats, pelvic lifts, kneeling kickbacks and dead lifts. Make the exercises more challenging by holding dumbbells in your hands while doing lunges and squats, and placing weight on your hips during pelvic lifts. Do as many set and repetitions as your fitness level allows.
Sleep eight hours every night so your muscles can restore themselves and you can replenish your energy for your next workout.