How to Achieve Your Perfect Weight
Cut your calorie intake. Most people have to eat between 2,000 to 2,500 calories a day to maintain their weight. In order to lose weight, you have to bring your calorie intake down to about 1,000 to 1,500 calories a day. To help you keep focused, make a diary to keep track of how many calories you are eating a day, then go find low calorie foods you like. Instead of having only three meals a day, spread them out to be six small meals so you don't get hungry throughout the day. Also, find some low-calorie sweets for emergency cravings. Low or nonfat sherbet is a good little snack to have in the freezer for days when you need something sweet. Just remember not to go on a crash diet, meaning you barely eat anything. Crash diets cause your metabolism to slow, so when you start eating again you gain weight quickly.
Make time to exercise throughout your day. Even though your schedule may be busy, find ways to incorporate exercise. This may include parking farther away from the entrance to your work or the store so you have to walk the extra distance, or going outside to play with your kids in the evening. However you do it, you just need to focus on getting some kind of exercise throughout your day. Buying a membership to a gym is one of the best ways to get exercise. Most gyms have trainers who can help you find a workout that will help you lose the maximum amount of weight so you can get down to your idle weight.
Stick to your plan. If you realize you are beginning to backslide on your plan, remember why you are trying to lose weight in the first place. It helps to write your goal down on a piece of paper and track your success underneath it. That way, whenever you need an encouragement, you can get out the piece of paper for a confident lift.