How to Use Weights With Your Ab Workout
Things You'll Need
- Two- to five-pound dumbbell
- Two- to five-pound ankle weights
Lie on the floor with your knees bent as if you were going to do a regular sit-up or crunch. Hold one dumbbell in your hands in front of you and then lift it over your head toward the floor behind you. While doing a sit-up, lift the weight over your head, keeping your arms straight, and reach with the weight toward your knees. Lower your upper body back to the floor, lifting the weight back over your head toward the floor behind you. Repeat as desired.
Stand and hold a dumbbell in your hands with your arms stretched in front of you. Move your legs to hip-width apart and angle your feet slightly outward by pointing your toes away from your body. Lower yourself into a plie squat. Remain in the squat, keep your arms straight, and twist your upper body to the left, reaching slightly with the weight for your left knee. Repeat on the right side. Keep your abs tight. Repeat as desired.
Strap ankle weights onto both ankles. Lie on the floor, your feet resting on the floor so your knees are bent in a classic sit -up position. Keeping your ab muscles tight, lift your feet from the floor toward your chest. Then lower your feet back to the floor and repeat the exercise.
Stretch out on the floor, your legs extended straight. With ankle weights on both ankles and your abs tightened, lift your right leg from the floor, bend it toward your chest and then straighten. Repeat the same motion with your left leg. Now move both legs one right after the other in a bicycle-like motion. This exercise will work your lower abdominal muscles. Maintain the bicycle motion for thirty seconds, rest, then repeat.