Fat Burners That Speed Up Metabolism
Drink water often to aid your metabolism. It may sound simple, but water is the most overlooked component of any diet regime. If the body is an engine, then food is the fuel and water is the motor-oil that keeps everything running smoothly. By drinking lots of water, the body is able to regulate digestion more efficiently (metabolism speeds up and fat gets burnt more readily). The old standard is to drink eight glasses of water a day; but the real trick to proper hydration is to drink water consistently throughout the day in small sips. It should also be remembered that the body needs water in the mornings especially, as it needs to replenish resources lost during the night.
Peppers are delicious and healthy. Capsaicin is basically the scientific term for "spicy food," and it is a very effective, naturally occurring metabolic booster and fat burner. It is found mostly in peppers of all varieties---such as chilis, jalapenos and cayenne---and works by increasing blood flow and oxygen consumption in the body. There is also evidence that capsaicin specifically targets the chemical composition of certain fat molecules and helps break them down in the stomach. Further, capsaicin can help promote the feeling of satiety (fullness) and may help prevent a myriad of afflictions (from prostate and colon cancer to stomach ulcers and high blood pressure). Although natural sources of capsaicin are loaded with antioxidants and vitamins, many store-bought hot sauces are filled with preservatives and sodium and should be avoided.
Tea and coffee can help increase metabolism. Everyone knows that drinking coffee or tea will result in a short-term energy boost; but few people seem to utilize caffeine for its dietary and metabolic properties. In fact, many over-the-counter diet pills contain large amounts of anhydrous caffeine, due to its ability to speed up base metabolic rate. But in addition to increasing metabolic rate, caffeine has also been shown to increase fat oxidation (and therefore help individuals lose weight by reducing body fat). And although caffeine, if taken by itself, does function as a diuretic and could cause dehydration, when consumed in a beverage such as tea or coffee the effect is mitigated. Some studies even suggest that drinking tea and coffee increases the body's ability to store water.
B Vitamins
B vitamins increase metabolism and burn fat. One of the more recent trends in weight loss is to supplement the diet with B vitamins. Basically, these vitamins quicken the speed of digestion by helping cells produce energy more efficiently (and efficient digestion means that food doesn't have a chance to get stored as fat). A good B-vitamin supplement will provide energy and boost metabolism.