DIY: Donk Lifts
Things You'll Need
- Chair
Do lunges, which tone the muscles of the quadriceps, or thighs, as well as the glutes, or muscles of the bottom. To do a lunge, locate an area of space where you can take at least five large steps without being obstructed by any furniture or other objects. Place both hands on your hips. Beginning with both feet together, take a large step with your right foot. There should be about three feet between your feet. Bend the right knee to a 90 degree angle, keeping your left leg straight and your left foot connected to the ground by the ball of the foot. Step the left foot to meet the right and repeat the process with the left side.
Kneel on all fours to do leg lifts. On all fours, align the wrists and elbows directly under the shoulders to avoid injury. Place your knees hip-width distance apart. Your knees should be stacked directly under the hips. With a deep inhale, lift your right leg--keeping the knee bent--until your knee is parallel with the ground. Hold for a moment and release on your exhale. Repeat 10 to 15 times, then switch sides.
Contract your glute muscles while sitting in a chair. This is a great exercise because you can do it anywhere without attracting any notice. Sit up straight in a chair, activating your core muscles by contracting your belly button, as if you were bringing it to meet your spine. Next, contract your glutes, squeezing one buttock cheek and then the next as if you wanted to hold a penny in the crease between the two. Hold and repeat 10 to 15 times. This exercise also helps decrease lower back pain, according to Discovery TCM.