How to Lose Ten Kilos Fast
Weigh yourself in order to keep track of your progress. You can go even further and take your body's measurements and body fat percentage. If desired, a doctor or trainer at the gym can assist you with this since they have the proper tools for measuring.
Eat six small meals per day to keep your metabolism up and burn more calories. By eating small, frequent, nutritious meals, you consume fewer calories and are less likely to give into cravings. Healthy choices include fiber-rich and whole grain products, vegetables, fruits and lean protein. Concentrate on whole foods and stay away from processed foods that contain artificial ingredients. Choose whole-grain options like whole wheat breads and pastas and brown rice instead of white breads, pastas and rice.
Drink plenty of water. Drinking water makes you feel full, flushes your system of toxins and supports a high metabolism. Ice cold water helps you burn more calories because your body has to work harder to heat the water up to body temperature.
Incorporate cardiovascular exercise and weight training into one workout session instead of doing them separately. Combining both increases your caloric burn, resulting in faster weight loss. Replace your rest in between weight lifting sets with jumping jacks, treadmill sprints or by jumping rope. You can also do compound exercises such as squats and lunges followed by muscle isolating exercises such as leg extensions and hamstring curls. Only rest upon completion of all exercises.
Get eight hours of sleep per night. Not only does sufficient sleep restore your body and provide you with energy for the next day, it also keeps your hormone levels stable so you don't crave result-sabotaging foods.
Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine. Alcohol has no nutritional value and contains many empty calories. Caffeine dehydrates your body. Both substances deplete your energy to workout. If you can't give coffee up, reduce it to one cup per day and make up for it by drinking plenty of water to rehydrate.