The Purpose of Magnets in Slimming Belts
The Claim
Sites that sell magnetic slimming belts say that they harness the power of magnetic resonance vibrations. The magnets power the vibrations and are supposed to tone the abdomen and burn calories with ease. Some also claim that bio-magnetism has the power to rejuvenate the metabolism and aid weight loss.
The Science
According to a study conducted by the Department of Community Health at the University of Oregon, magnets as a weight loss tool aren't all that they're cracked up to be. Though slight changes in metabolism were found to occur, the changes were not enough to be significant or to suggest that magnets can assist in weight loss. The study concluded that bio-magnetism is not an effective weight loss plan.
The Bottom Line
There is no scientific evidence that the magnets in a magnetic slimming belt will promote weight loss at all. The stated purpose of the magnets is to produce vibrations resulting in weight loss, but their real purpose may be to provide a placebo effect.