What is the Cost of Starting the Maker's Diet?
The Book
This book is the third one written by Rubin. In it, he includes a list of the top "Maker's" foods and why they are important, how to correctly prepare food, how to reduce stress on the immune system, a plan to ensure emotional, mental and spiritual health, and a proven-exercise regimen. The book is available on his website for $13.99 and costs about $20 elsewhere.
The Starter Kit
This kit provides four key nutritional supplements and coconut oil for cooking purposes. It is available in a powder or caplet form and are deemed necessary for success. The kit is available on Rubin's website for varying prices ranging from $174.09 to $178.
Something to consider prior to starting this diet regime is that significant lifestyle changes are expected from participants. Rubin reverts to food habits from thousands of years ago prior to refrigeration and food processors. Significant dietary changes and changes in food preparation are expected. Eating organic may cost significantly more. However, Rubin insists that his 40-day regime will transform participants' lives.